Career Development Blog

How to Request Training from Your Boss (With Sample Letter Templates)

Our guide talks you through how to request training from your boss complete with sample letters that cover all types of training.

Identifying Champions in the Workplace to Increase Morale

Identifying and supporting Workplace Champions can improve the environment for everyone. Employee champions can make real, positive changes to the organisation.

How to Give Constructive Feedback

Giving constructive criticism can feel like walking a tightrope. Use this three-step system to get your point across smoothly without causing offence.

Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Cover Letter

In this guest post, Chloe Chioy from CV Genius and Resume Genius shares tips on how to tweak your cover letter so that it improves your chance of an interview.

9 Quick and Easy Ways to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile

Harness the power of LinkedIn. Improve the performance and reach of your LinkedIn profile by following our 9 quick and easy ways to upgrade it!

How the Metaverse Could Change the Face of Work

Far from being a buzzword, the metaverse could bring big changes to roles – just like the internet did. Here's how the metaverse could change the face of work.

7 Expert Tips for Networking Inside Your Organisation

Whether you’re an entry-level employee or a top-tier executive, we’ve reviewed the best expert tips for networking inside your organisation.

How Often Should You Get a Salary Increase?

How often should you get a salary increase and what determines whether you qualify for one? We took a deeper look into the issue.

The 7 Most Inspiring Career Blogs to Read This Year

If you’re looking for a little post-pandemic career inspiration, then look no further! We highlight 7 of the most inspiring career blogs to read this year.